The fragrance that
keeps wasps at bay
the natural way


Environmentally safe

WASP SHIELD: The environmentally friendly way to keep the air fresh and wasp free.

At WASP SHIELD, we believe that pesticides are not the way to deal with the WASP problem, and our products exemplify this philosophy. Pesticides may prove effective with other pests however; they can also create unforeseen and unwanted consequences. Other control solutions involving zappers and insect “killers” as the name suggests involve killing what is in reality an important link in the eco system.

Our WASP SHIELD formula contains a combination of natural oils and ingredients that make WASP SHIELD both safe to use but also acts as a deterrent by impacting the Wasps ultra-sensitive sense of smell encouraging it to look elsewhere for its food.

The WASP SHIELD manufacturing processes and procedures are designed to be clean, efficient and contained, and our facilities utilise programs that support and promote waste recycling and energy efficiency. The innovative thinking represented by WASP SHIELD and the responsible management of our company demonstrate our commitment to helping deal with the environmental challenges faced by everyone.

Wasp facts

Spheksophobia – the Fear of Wasps

The term ‘wasp’ means different things to different people. There are several thousand species of Vespidae (vespid) wasps, a group which contains all of the social wasps (about 800 species), and many more solitary wasps which do not form colonies.

In social wasps, workers (sterile females) have an average lifespan of 12-22 days, drones (fertile males) have a slightly longer lifespan than workers, and queens (fertile females) have an average lifespan of 12 months.

An average common or German wasp nest produces between 11 000 and 13 000 workers and from 1000 to 2000 queens a season. Wasps produce an “alarm pheromone” that stimulates a general state of alarm in the colony and releases aggressive behavior towards an intruder. Rapid wing beats also function as an alarm signal stimulating other wasps to defend the nest. The principal component of venom is protein — it is the protein that causes allergy reactions in people. Wasps need mainly energy foods i.e. carbohydrates and thus favour nectar and a variety of sweet substances such as fresh and processed fruits.

Researchers for the BBC in 2018 say that wasps are just as ecologically useful as bees. Despised by picnickers, feared for their painful stings – wasps are among the least loved of insects according to the new study. However wasps pollinate flowers as well as killing pests and are just as important to the environment as bees. Wasp Guard deters them from sticking around but does them no harm. Wasps are extremely beneficial animals. They feed their young on a wide range of invertebrates and in so doing help to control many insect pests. They also visit flowers and therefore help in pollination. The Wasp sting is caused by a complex protein injected through the needle-like sting as it penetrates the skin. Individuals react differently: some are hardly affected, others may suffer pain and swelling while in other, rare cases, individuals may suffer serious allergic reactions which may result in death from anaphylactic shock.