Wasp Allergies: Dangers And Common Types Of Allergies

Wasp stings are quite common in many countries, regardless of the climate and weather. However, these usually happen during the warmer summer months, when people tend to spend more time outdoors. Often, wasp stings just cause mild discomfort and many people quickly recover without experiencing much discomfort at all.

Like hornets and bees, wasps have stingers to defend themselves. Wasps inject a mild venom through their stingers, which can cause irritation, pain, and discomfort. Bees can sting only once, because their stingers get stuck easily in the victim’s skin, while wasps can sting multiple times when defending themselves. Wasp stingers are more durable and they remain intact after multiple stings. Most people only experience redness, swelling and temporary pain around the sting area.

Moderate Allergic Reactions

Mild and moderate allergic reactions can typically be treated at home. You need to wash the affected area with soapy water to remove any venom from the skin surface. Before it swells, you should apply ice or a cold pack. If you want to prevent infection, make sure that the area is kept clean and dry, and if you are concerned about the risk of infection, you may cover it with bandage. If it’s itchy, you can use hydrocortisone cream to prevent skin irritation. Colloidal oatmeal and baking soda can help in soothing your skin. Ibuprofen and other OTC pain relievers can be used to manage excessive pain. Chlorpheniramine and diphenhydramine is useful if the skin is particularly itchy. However, watch for possible side effects like drowsiness or stomach irritation when taking these medications.

Severe Allergic Reactions

About 3% of adults and nearly 1% of children have severe allergic reactions to wasps, bees, and hornets. If you are susceptible to severe reactions, an EpiPen must be administered immediately and call 999 for further medical assistance. Anaphylaxis is the most dangerous allergic reactions that could happen. The presence of wasp venom may put your body into a state of shock.

You are experiencing severe allergic reaction if you have:

  • Hives In Different Parts Of The Body
  • Severe Swelling Of The Throat, Lips And Face
  • Wheezing
  • Irregular Blood Pressure
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Loss Of Consciousness
  • Stomach Cramps
  • Racing Pulse

If you experience some of these symptoms, they may confirm the severe allergy. If there’s a risk of wasp sting in your area and you are prone to anaphylaxis, it’s important to carry bee sting kits. Epinephrine (EpiPen) injections can stabilise respiration performance, heart rate, and blood pressure.

Do’s And Don’ts For People With Wasp Allergies

Now that we understand wasp allergies and the allergic reactions that many people can have, let’s take a look at some important do’s and don’ts when it comes to having wasp allergies and being outside.

Don’ts For People With Wasp Allergies

Don’t Leave Food Or Drink Out- leaving exposed food and drink out can be an invitation to wasps that you would like them to join your party. Instead, be sure to cover or put away and food or drink that could be tempting.

Don’t Wave Your Arms About- if you do see wasps about, don’t swat at them or waves your arms to shoo them away. This will cause wasps to send out a distress signal which will cause more wasps to show up.

Don’t Kill Them- likewise, killing wasps will encourage more wasps to show up and make your party, picnic, or get together a real pain.

Do’s For People With Wasp Allergies

Do Clear Away Food- to keep wasps away, be sure to clear away any food, bins, or rubbish as this will leave them searching elsewhere for their dinner.

Do Use A Wasp Control Device- using a wasp preventer such as Wasp Shield will help keep wasps at bay without harming or killing them. That means that you stay safe and you don’t harm wasps which can hurt the ecosystem.

Contact Wasp Shield

To learn more about wasps and why they are important for the environment, contact Wasp Shield today and shop a wide selection of premium wasp control devices designed to repel wasps, not harm them.

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